sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

How important is the English language and how to motivate students to learn it

Globalization, the Internet, television, and the possibility that our students have a future with more opportunities than us. These are factors that are influencing that as teachers we are more interested in to empower them to speak another language, especially English.

The educational training today get children must to go beyond learning the basic subjects taught in school. It is necessary for children in addition to their native language, expand your knowledge and learning another language better than that spoken in most of the world.

The fact that the child speak English in addition to their native language, you will not create confunsión. At the contrary, will more easily absorb all the knowledge to master and learn more easily.

It is said that the best time for the child to study English is between the stage of infancy and six years. When children are highly sensitive to the language and can study them faster, the earlier study, the better your domain. However it is never too late to start.

Some benefits of learning this language are:

It helps them to respect others. It is important that children get used to seeing people who speak another language and lose their prejudices against others.
We live in a globalized world. Now we can not settle for just knowing the language of our country. The labor market is global. And each time it seems that it will be more. You can find work in Dubai, in Brazil or England. Knowing English is important to be prepared.
Because they can enjoy the culture more. Much of the information and culture we consume is in English. Movies, websites, manuals, etc. Learn English from an early age will allow you to be more prepared to face life.

How to motivate students to get into the English language and to appreciate its importance:

would be best if we had a classroom to teach English only. In this way students would be in an atmosphere that could only speak and learn English. But if we dont have this, in my case, one thing that has worked well in my classroom for motivating language is make a corner of English in the classroom.

What is an English corner?

Is take advantage of a classroom space to decorate with different things in english language, I mean, put different normal situations, vocabulary, murals made among all the students of the language…

That should not be missing in a corner of English:
  • Date and Weather: It is important to create a calendar with the days of the week and the months and daily ask the children what day it is in what month and what year the weather. And so children assimilate these concepts and do routinely.

  • Hours: Make a mural showing all hours of the day and close to an image indicating that we usually do at this time. For example, at 8 in the morning I wake up. A 1 is lunchtime. At 5 I do homework. At 9 is dinner time. At 10 I'm going to sleep. It is a good idea that images are the students doing these daily activities. I mean, we can spend a week to make potos of us in different times doing something and then put this on the mural in the appropriate time.

  • Vocabulary: we can put a section of common vocabulary. As classroom objects, colors, clothing, food, parts of the house…
  • Feelings: we can put a section on how we feel today. I mean, putting different faces with different expressions and ask that all children with identified image feel and why. In my case i would put a smiling face, sad face, tired face and another upset.
  •  Section of homwork: we should leave a section for students to stick on the wall to do different jobs.
  • Celebrating some dates: we can during the year celebrate important dates in other countries and in ours as christmas, easter, halloween ... And decorate our English corner with things of the party.

We can put many more things that we can think of but all with the objective that the student form part of the language. The objetive that we have is motivate students to appreciate the language and be willing to learn and enjoy it.


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